Thursday, December 10, 2009

Why does a school need a building?

Why do we need a building for the School of the Future?
My thought is that the School of the Future responds to its location in time and space with lesson plans that are alive public art works, designed by an artists. We will be producing classes for people who live around the school, and to create a sense of commitment, security, and focus, I think it is really important to create a new space to separate the space of the park into a few types of space, that is a special place for a special type of interaction.

Last night Kate Cahill, Chris Kennedy, and I met and discussed ideas about the building for the School. An idea that we played around with was reinventing the tropes of NY public schools as parts of this building (swinging doors, kick guards, stairs, bright cerulean blue entrances) and mixing that with a contemporary translation of an old school house (bell, brick, square, pitched roof).

Kate asked a really good question: What is the school bell of 2010? What does a school bell do? It summons people. What summons people now?
I think this is a great way to begin to talk about how we can design a school that does what a school always did but in playful, observant ways.

This is an architecture firm that works with experimental school designs

This is a most beautiful storage building, a possible way to think about a school building

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